Tech Tip 10: Installing a capillary column into a GC inlet/detector (Part II)

The installation of a capillary column into a modern gas chromatograph requires precise positioning of the column into both the inlet/injection port and the detector to obtain optimum analytical performance.  Individual manufacturers have different requirements for the optimum insertion length and positioning of the column which should be checked from the relevant instrument operating manual.

Tech Tip 9: Installing a capillary column into a GC inlet/detector (part I)

The installation of a capillary column into a modern gas chromatograph requires precise positioning of the column into both the inlet/injection port and the detector to obtain optimum analytical performance. Individual manufacturers have different requirements for the optimum insertion length and positioning of the column which should be checked from the relevant instrument operating manual.

Tech Tip 8: How do you know when a suspected problem really is a problem and not imagined?

Failing to identify a problem early can result in it possibly becoming a major problem with lots of down-time and costs involved in solving and fixing it. Many samples may also need to be re-analysed adding to costs, time, stress and customer satisfaction. Conversely, thinking that there is a problem when there isn't really one can also lead to all of these things with lots of tail-chasing and not really getting anywhere.

Tech Tip 7: Rotary Pump Maintenance – Oil changes and Use of the Ballast Valve

Most GC-MS vacuum systems comprise of a two-stage pumping arrangement - an initial low-vacuum, high capacity stage consisting of a rotary oil pump or diaphragm pump; and a second high stage, low capacity vacuum pump such as a diffusion or turbo-molecular pump.  The first stage or low-vacuum pump requires maintenance to ensure optimum pumping performance.  Two aspects that are often overlooked are the use of the ballast valve on the vacuum pump and replacement of the pump oil at the correct intervals.

Tech Tip 4: Random loss in sensitivity of injected samples through a batch

Most problems that occur in Gas Chromatography either gradually increase in severity over time or suddenly become a large issue, preventing further analysis by the instrument.

Random problems occurring infrequently are often ignored for long periods of time as the sample is simply re-analysed and the results are correct the second time. The problem itself can be hard to track down to determine the cause and then to provide a fix, as it isn't a continuous problem.
