1-day Gas Supply Health Check training course

Benefit from our knowledge - onsite gas health check + learn the skills to make ongoing savings.

Following the situation in Qatar earlier this year, resulting in the supply of helium being cut-off, the shortages have had an impact on the supply and price of helium. This has led to higher running costs in labs using helium as a carrier gas in gas chromatography.

Would your laboratory benefit from a gas system 'MOT'?

On our NEW 1-day Gas Health Check course, as well as our consultants performing checks on your systems, we will train your analysts and give them the skills to carry out these checks, providing long-term cost savings. Our practical training will teach your analysts how to identify potential leak points in your system, carry out preventative maintenance to avoid leaks, how to implement gas-friendly methods and how to ensure that the instruments are using lower gas flows when not in use; through gas saver modes and standby methods.

Let's suppose you are running neat product (say essential oils analysis) with a large split (100:1) injection, without gas saving optimisation you could be wasting up to £600 per instrument per year!

Or perhaps you are running trace analysis on environmental waters where splitless injection is the order of the day, obviously less gas is used compared to analysing essential oils but without the correct standby method you could be wasting up to £80 per instrument per year!

For a medium sized laboratory with four essential oil instruments and 10 environmental water instruments, within a payback period of just five months you will recoup the cost of attending Anthias Consulting's 1-day Gas Supply and Plumbing Health Check training course.

For further details and to arrange this onsite training course that will future-proof your methods please contact Karen Lee.